Warfare is one of my favourites. We usually go as visitors, and buy up lead for painting over the Christmas period. I got myself the Tank supliment for Rate of Fire, the 28mm Skirmish ww2 rules from Crusader. I do like these rules, the mechanisms are clean and simple, and in a 40k/ Flames kind of flavour. I already have some vehicles for 28mm, but I did buy a third hanommag to make a good 3 vehicle platoon of transports for my Germans, whilst at the show.
I also purchased some very nice trees and a walled enclosure from a very nice trader whom I cannot recall the name of, apologies! He doesn't appear to be listed on the show programme either, but old hands will know the chap with the hand made trees, rivers, fences an the like, all great stuff!
Also Bicorne miniatures were visited to purchase the Kings Gentlemen Pensioners, basicly the command pack and one pack of troopers from the Life Guard. These have beed prepped and based ready for priming.
Which brings us nicely to the 2 cavalry units I have been working on.
These are the 25mm lead miniatures I found in a box full of ECW stuff in a cupboard, came up nicely I think.
And the Warlord 28mm Cavalry, a bit more experimentation with horse colours here, a base coat, highlight and ink on each. The white horses, undercoat grey, top white. The bay, GW dark flesh, then 50% dark flesh, 20%white 30% firey orange highlight. The sandy , GW foundation- taoucept ochre, then highlited with the same and a little white . All are then inked the usual nut brown.
The big ECW game is only a couple of weeks off now, so we are just about ready..oh I also purchased some rubber roads from LKM, need to get some junctions and so on, as they had sold out at the show, but a nice looking addition to the layout.